СЭД Эвридок

by Dynamics Business Technologies



EDMS (Electronic Document Management System) provides the following information about the possibilities of mobile access to the DMS:∙ appointment setting;∙ failure to consider a document stating the reason;∙ approval document;∙ refusal of approval of the indication of the reason;∙ signing of the document;∙ refusal to sign a document stating the reason;∙ job search.ECM Mobile Client provides the ability to search for a document by reading the QR-code document. To search for a QR-code reader can be used either on the mobile device. QR-code module provides the following features:∙ Print QR-code on the sheet alignment;∙ Read the QR-code mobile application;∙ Search and display the document on a mobile device.Data for the demo:Username: adminPassword: 1